Junior Medical Officers (JMOs) are, along with their nursing colleagues, the workhorses of the Australian hospital system. Comprising everyone from fresh-faced interns through residents and exam-sitting registrars, to soon to be consultants, these doctors work tirelessly to care for the hundreds of thousands of patients who find themselves in hospital every year Australia-wide. But this work can take its toll. All too often we hear of JMOs, overwhelmed by the stress of their job or worse, vestiges of systemic bullying, who develop mental health conditions or worse, take their own lives.

We at ClinicFire think this is unacceptable and our colleagues at the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV) do as well. They have created an App that puts information on dealing with mental health crises and caring for oneself in the palms of JMOs’ hands, accessible when they may need it most. Just as our mission is to make the lives of JMOs and indeed all doctors easier through making medical resources just that much more accessible, so too does JMOWell seek to improve access to information when doctors need it most.

More information on JMOWell and links to download it can be found at the JMOWell landing page.