ClinicFire aims to reduce the barriers to your work. We have collected the best resources to support your clinical decision making and administrative workflow in the one spot.

We currently target clinicians in Victoria, Australia but we are expanding the coverage.

Please email us your feedback!


Alexander Clarke (0)

Alex is a Melbourne anaesthetist, recently returned from San Francisco. He hopes to change the world one 3D printed device prototype at a time.

Rahul Barmanray (0)

Rahul is an endocrinologist and PhD candidate in the field of inpatient diabetes. He also somehow finds time to be a Cub Scout Leader.


ClinicFire is an aggregator but not a provider of medical resources. We cannot vouch for the accuracy of medical or other information provided on the sites and pages we link to. We accept no responsibility for medical or other decisions made on the basis of information on any of the sites or pages we link to.

ClinicFire calculators are provided for your entertainment only. Clinicians should use their own judgment and not rely on the results of any one tool.

Magic 8 ball says “Don’t count on it.”.

While we make every effort to keep the links on ClinicFire up to date occasionally sites will change their links. If you notice this before we do please let us know at [email protected] and we will fix it faster than a bushfire burning uphill.

Links on ClinicFire are chosen entirely by you. As long as they are useful to a medical professional we put them up. Links and search logic are never manipulated by commercial interests. In short, no one pays or gets paid for links to be up on this site.

This information is general and may not apply to you or another person. If you have any concerns about your health or the health and wellbeing of a child, consult a doctor or other healthcare professional. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.


ClinicFire respects your privacy. We aren’t interested in your private details nor your patient’s private details.

Searches may be anonymously logged so that we can identify gaps in our directory coverage. We don’t record your IP address or any identifying details.

We currently collect statistics using Google Analytics, which can be blocked by any number of ad/tracking blockers if you so desire.

We care enormously about the speed of this website! To achieve the best performance, we use Cloudflare as our Content Distribution Network. Cloudflare does not store long-term logs.


ClinicFire is produced using Jekyll, a static page generator.

Instant search is powered by Fuse.js, a JavaScript library that runs in your browser.

We manage the source code with git and GitHub.