JMOWeLL by MedApps for the Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria (PMCV)
ClinicFire is not affiliated with JMOWeLL, we think this resource is so important that we are publishing it for your reference. The following text is taken directly from their app listing…
The JMO Well app is new, free and was created by a group of Victorian junior doctors acknowledging that a range of information and tools was not readily available in one place.
Registration is optional and can be accessed by anyone. The app has a range of useful information for early career doctors, access to online tools, help lines and website to assist you in looking after yourself and how to manage employment as a medical practitioner. There is direct access to a range of confidential services should you need to talk to someone and seek support and assistance.
You can access information about Victorian health services that employ doctors.
We encourage your feedback on ways in which the app can be improved and be more useful.